Programs and Services » Post Secondary Institution Info

Post Secondary Institution Info

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If you would like to receive regular email updates including information from post-secondary institutions regarding admissions requirements, scholarships, programs, etc. please email Mrs. LaMarre at [email protected] and included the following:
Required info:
Student's first and last name
Student's email
Parent/Guardian email
Optional info:
Colleges/Universities/Technical or Vocational schools of interest
Programs/areas of study of interest
If you have any questions or would like assistance with connecting you with someone at a college, university, technical or vocational program, please contact Mary LaMarre at [email protected] or call her at 250-562-6441 ext: 111.
The University of Alberta sent us more viewbooks since there were not enough for all of the students who attended their presentation. Please come to the counselling area and pick up a viewbook if you are interested in U of A. We also have an information table set up with resources from the universities and colleges who were at PGSS for PSBC day. Students are welcome and encouraged to gather information on post-secondary programs from this table.