Students » Grade 7's Coming to PGSS

Grade 7's Coming to PGSS

Prince George Secondary School always looks forward to a whole new group of transitioning polar students joining us each fall!  

PGSS is the catchment school for eleven elementary schools (Peden Hill, Pinewood, Westwood, Hixon, Giscome, Van Bien, Buckhorn, Blackburn, Nusdeh Yoh, Pineview, and Polaris Montessori). We look forward to working with these schools in a variety of transition activities throughout this school year. 

Be sure to view our two videos on this webpage, one is a TOUR of PGSS and the other is a slideshow of fun events held at PGSS in the past!

PGSS usually holds a yearly Grade 7 Parent Meeting in Vanier Hall. This includes a power point presentation regarding courses and selection. (*This year's Grade 7 Parent Meeting has already taken place)

We are not done yet! PGSS also hosts a Welcome to High School Summer Camp usually at the end of August, from 10:00 am-2:00 pm each day. (*Please see the documents below for information about the Summer Camp)

Summer Camp Pics

Welcoming our newest Polars during our annual Summer Camp!!

Check out the GRAND TOUR of PGSS!!
Check out this video of fun activities at PGSS!

PGSS Pillars

PGSS Pillars.PNG
carved pgss sign