
Life Touch Grad Photo Info
Lifetouch retakes: Unfortunately, due to system limitations regarding retakes, students whose names do not show up for this upcoming event will need to call our office to have their appointment scheduled. They may also email us if that is more convenient!
Email: [email protected]
Call: 236 700 6470
Customer Service: 1 888 676 1647
If they can leave their name, contact information and which school they wish to book an appointment for, we can assist! Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these arrangements, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Every milestone, every expression is significant.

Kevin Green
Account Manager
Photography and Yearbooks
Cell 250-618-4449
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have enough courses to graduate? |
As a student, it is your responsibility to make sure that you have the 80 credits to graduate and all the necessary courses to graduate. See your counsellor if you are concerned or unsure of your graduation status. You can also get your unofficial Transcript of Grades at the BC Student Transcript Service. Be aware that if you fail courses in the first semester that are necessary for graduation you will jeopardize your ability to participate in the valedictory ceremony in June. If you are taking courses outside of PGSS, it is your responsibility to make sure that the counsellor knows and receives your final grade. |
How Do I Apply to a Post-Secondary Institution? |
Many colleges and universities have students apply on-line. In order to apply on-line you will need to know your Provincial Education Number (available on your report card or from the office or online), the program and or faculty you wish to enroll in, and you will need to have access to a VISA or MASTERCARD number and expiry date. You can apply on-line with counsellors if you are unsure of the process or of the questions being asked. Post-Secondary Institution (PSI). The BC Transcript Service assists students applying to post-secondary institutions by sending a copy of their transcript to post-secondary institutions indicated on the form in late July, after government exams are marked and graduation has been achieved. The PSI Choices link is available in February at the BC Student Transcript Service. |
How Do I Get a Transcript of My Marks? |
A transcript is a document of your official marks. A diploma (Dogwood) is the official certificate of your graduation. If your wish to get an unofficial copy of your transcript, you can see the office for a printout. Otherwise, an official transcript will be sent to you if you are a Grade 12 student or Adult Graduation student in your graduating year at the end of July if you have completed courses in the past school year. An unofficial Transcript of Grades shows you the same course information as your official Transcript of Grades shows. See the link on this page to view your transcript on the BC Transcript Service website. To log in, or to create an account, you will need your Personal Education Number (PEN). You can find your nine-digit PEN by:
How can I plan for my Post Secondary education? |
So you are in Grade 11 and are starting to think about your post-secondary options. This is the time to begin sorting out your credits, thinking about which post-secondary institutions you'll be applying to, and which scholarships & bursaries you'll be applying for. Check out the graduation links on this page and connect with your counsellor for guidance. |
Can I See My Provincial Exam Marks? |
You can see your provincial exam marks in February (if you wrote in January), or in July (if you wrote in June). You'll need your PEN number to access the BC Transcript Service to view your exam marks. |
What are My Credential Options? |
There are many ways to receive your graduation credentials, through a variety of means. Some programs, such as BC Drivers' Education and the Royal Conservatory of Music will provide you with elective credits. Learn more about External Credentialing. |
Education Planner BC

UNBC Dual Credit Program
my Blueprint